Club Racing
2024 Road Racing
Bathurst Velodrome Clubhouse,
624 Vale Road, Orton Park.
Bathurst CC Road Co-Ordinator David Reece bathurstcyclingclub@gmail.com
COVID-19 Notice
Members are to follow all Government Health directions.
Do not attend club activities if you are unwell.
Follow all safety guidelines and directions of the event promoter.
General Club Information
Road Racing events are conducted all year round. A variety of race formats and racing locations are provided with graded racing for both Seniors and Juniors. Event details can be found on the website calendar and Club's Facebook. Please refer to the Website Junior Tab for more information on Junior activities.
To race with Bathurst Cycling Club, you must hold a current AusCycling Race All Discipline Membership. https://www.auscycling.org.au/membership/race-all-discipline
Race Entry fee: $10 per rider, $15 Family entry, special events as advised.
Prizes: Bathurst Cycling Club has a number of Perpetual Trophies that are featured throughout the year. The Club also competes for Club Championship recognition and continues to support the Club's Road Racing culture of cash prizes.
Race Formats: Based on grades for all abilities – Handicap, Scratch, Individual Time Trial, Team Time Trial and Criterium.
Bicycles: Must meet UCI and AusCycling Technical Regulations. It is the participants responsibility to ensure that their bike is kept in good working order.
Race Definitions
Scratch - mass start races in categories based on either ability or age. First across the finish line is the winner.
Handicap - riders are grouped according to ability by the handicapper and are sent off in their group. The slowest group starts first, followed by the second slowest group a few minutes later, and so on, until the last group, called Scratch, starts. Scratch is the fastest group of the race and need to catch all the other riders in the race in order to win. The winner is the first across the finish line, regardless of which group they started with. The fastest time is recorded and given to the rider who covers the race distance in the shortest amount of time. A well handicapped race will provide every rider with the chance to win.
Time Trial – As the name suggests individuals or teams race the allotted course to record a time, with the fastest time recorded winning.
Criterium – Mass start of a Circuit course raced for a set time + 3 laps
New Riders
New riders are always welcome and mentored. AusCycling offers promotional short-term options to allow new riders to experience club racing before making a longer-term commitment. Bathurst Cycling Club has a depth of racing experience to support new riders in their Club racing endeavours. Club mentoring ensures new riders are made aware of Club Racing Conditions, Race Rules and Racing Safety. New Riders are encouraged to contact Cathy Adams to discuss Club racing prior to attending their first race.
Club Racing
Club racing exists because of volunteers and riders having fun. Riders are reminded that racing permissions will be jeopardised if they don't abide to the racing permission conditions. Riders race for differing reasons but essentially, we race because it is fun, and it makes us ride faster. Riders are reminded that Club racing is not the “Tour”, junior riders are watching and riders' behavior effects the fun of all. Club racing will improve your riding, race knowledge, fitness and may be the pinnacle of your riding or the steppingstone to greater things.
Club Championships and Special Club Events
Throughout the year Bathurst Cycling Club conducts Club Championship and special events to encourage our club members and enhance the Club's morale and race culture. For a full list of Historical Results click here.
As such please note the following:
Club Championships
- Only Bathurst CC members may claim the Title of Club Champion
- Bathurst CC members must have participated in 3 Club events for that discipline in the season of the Championship to claim the title but are welcome to compete
- Road Season is a Calendar Year commencing on the 1 January and finishing 31 December of that year.
- Visitors are welcome to compete in the event but may not claim the title
Club Trophy Events
- Only Bathurst CC members may win the trophy i.e., first placed Bathurst CC member will win the trophy
- Visitors are welcome to compete and will claim any prizes applicable to their finishing place except the trophy
- These rules do not apply to the Gallagher Cup or the Graham Stait Memorial Race.
Club Racing Waivers
By entering yourself or your child you acknowledge:
1. Covid-19 - attendees must comply with any Government directions applicable at the time of the event.
2. Event Risk Acknowledgement Waiver:
a) I understand, acknowledge, and accept that cycling is an inherently dangerous sport, which may result in severe injury or death from a collision, fall, mechanical failure, physical exertion, or other incident.
b) I voluntarily participate in this event at my own risk.
c) I waive any rights I may otherwise have against AC, the event promoter and their agents and representative relating to, and agree they are not responsible for, any loss or damage resulting from my participation in the event, including any loss that may arise from death or injury to myself or others, or damage to any property.
d) I agree to follow the directions of any event organiser or official and the AusCycling Technical Regulations and policies.
e) If the participant in this event is under 18 years of age, I warrant that I am a parent or guardian of the participant and agree for myself and the participant that I provide the acknowledgements, agreements and waiver set out above in respect of the participant.
3. All participating cyclists have an equal responsibility to ensure they take all reasonable care in adhering to the rules and other conditions imposed by Police and/or officials ensuring a safe environment for all concerned. This includes conditions imposed by Bathurst Regional Council and Transport for NSW.
4. MEMBERSHIP: I confirm I hold a financial race all discipline membership with AusCycling.
5. Permission to record and use images. By entering my child and/or myself in this event I:1) as the child's parent or guardian acknowledge that photographs and videos of myself and/or my child may be taken during the event; and 2) give permission for AusCycling and the event promoter to record, keep, publish and display such photographs and videos of myself or my child.
Club Racing Permission Conditions
All riders and Club Members conducting and racing in an event must abide to all conditions imposed by NSW Police, Bathurst Regional Council, Transport for NSW, and AusCycling. Riders must obey Traffic Rules.
Duty Officer
All Club Road Racing members will take their turn at filling the Duty Officer role in running the club road event. This involves course check, signage placement and collection, rider briefing, starting race, monitoring race and finish line duties. The Duty Roster is located on the Club Website and includes links to documentation required. This documentation fulfils multiple requirements of the Club's Racing Permission Conditions.
Neutral zones
- Are an important part of our racing permissions from authorities, riders understanding, and compliance is essential.
- A nominated location where the race is deemed neutral, no rider is to gain an advantage in this area.
- Neutral zone identification – Green rider temporary signage mark the start and end of the neutral zone. Road paint markings may also be present to identify the turnaround point and start/end of neutral zone.
- Locations – found on turn around locations for riders e.g. Ryans Road
- Hazards may be identified as neutral e.g. as identified by the Duty Officer on the day.
- Traffic Rules will dictate a neutral zone e.g. train line crossing.
- Neutral Zones are explained at the rider briefing and new riders should clarify their understanding with the Road Co-Ordinator. Neutral Zones mean riders at the front of the group control the pace and wait for the back of the group to indicate they are clear of the neutral zone and racing may resume.
- Riders must obey all Traffic Rules including inside a neutral zone. Riders should verbalize their actions at intersections and turn around points.
Finish Lines
- Riders must obey Traffic Rules and keep to the left-hand side of the road regardless of Centre line markings being present.
- Duty Officer will brief riders on finish line conditions and procedures on the day.
Spectator Vehicles
- Must not follow the race.
- Must drive to and park at safe locations that do not obstruct traffic to watch the race and must avoid driving through the race.
- Spectators should park and walk to the finish line.
- As a courtesy, please indicate your intentions to the Duty Officer.
Additional New Rider Information
At the end of an event riders
- will wait for all riders to finish
- will return to the Clubhouse in spaced groups for presentations.
During an event
- riders withdrawing mid race must advise race officials of intentions.
- new riders should ask for assistance from the bunch by identifying themselves as new, with the group mentoring the new rider in what is required. New riders are reminded that racing skills are not learnt in one race!
- communication when racing in a bunch is key to safety, remembering traffic rules must be obeyed. A racing bunch should work smoothly with inexperienced riders leaving an appropriate distance off a wheel. Turns will be either rolling or working pursuit-style turns, depending on the closeness in strength of the working group. Communication is required to determine the side to change on depending on the wind, and the correct time to change. While correct bunch etiquette, such as minimum braking, no jamming through to do your turn, taking care getting out of the seat and making no unexpected direction changes or rotations is essential.
- passing other riders or bunches is done on the right-hand side of the slower rider/s, warning should be given by the faster rider/s
- a handicap bunch motto is to work together, identifying a leader before the race starts will improve the bunch's chances and assist safety.
- racing bunches must obey traffic rules